Last night I saw Heather, my in-law at Liv’s Christmas concert. She already made seven batches of cookies and she said there is more to come. I tend to be a last minute warrior so each year is a toss up if I get around to beigli making before or after Christmas. One year I made last year’s beigli for Easter! With two December birthdays in our family, I tend not to go overboard with Christmas baking.
In Canada, nothing really gets into gear until Christmas Day. That is when we sacrifice turkeys and overeat. Even if you don’t like turkey there are lots of delicious side dishes and rich desserts to enjoy. Over the years, we were Christmas dinnered by our friends the Eggletons. With our aging and dwindling numbers [kids grow up and move away, sometimes far-far away] we will see if I can convince their numbers to join our numbers this year. Here is to all the turkey meals we shared!