4 liter 3.25% milk
1 liter 3.25% cultured buttermilk [buttermilk has to contain "active culture"]
- Pour the milk and the buttermilk into a large stainless steel stockpot with ovenproof handles.
- Cover and set it aside on the counter, near the stove or a warm place for 24-48 hours.
- Let it sit until the mixture has the consistency of thick yogurt.
- Take off the lid and move the stockpot with its contents into the oven and heat it at 200F (which is approximately 93.3 in Celsius) for 6 hours or longer. This will make the curd separate from the whey.
- Test the consistency; it should be homogeneous curd throughout.
- If in parts the curd still resembles yogurt, the túró is not yet ready. Put it back in the oven for a little while longer, never raising the temperature above 200F.
- Meanwhile place a large sieve over a large bowl and line the sieve with cheese cloth.
- When the curds and the whey are truly separated, pour the pot’s contents into the cheesecloth lined sieve. Most of the whey will run through the sieve.
- Let the remaining whey drip down for 2-3 hours.
- The 1.25 kg or 5 cups plus curd in the sieve will be real túró and it should last in the fridge for up to a week.
It was 11PM and my last batch was nowhere ready for separation. I turned off the oven and just left the pot with the half made curd sit in the oven overnight. The next morning I turned on the oven and by the afternoon we had túró.